Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Result: Digital Rain

I finally have a completed piece based on learnings of computers and electronics. I used a computer program that I co-wrote with a Hive76 member to generate a simple pattern of an abstractde water droplet rippple. I projected it through glass (and plastic) and onto a reflective surface which created patterns on it, the floor, the wall, and the glass. special thanks to Alithia Gorski, photo major extraordinaire, who was able to take these photos in a pinch when my primary photographer wasn't there. if she didn't help me, I doubt I would have been able to document this.


also, here is the code for the program for any/all i:ntereseted:

float x = 20;float y = 20;
void setup(){ size (600, 600); noStroke(); smooth();}
void draw_circles(float x, float y){ background (0); fill(255); ellipse(300, 300, x, y); if(y>100) { fill(0); ellipse(300, 300, x-100, y-100); } if(y>100) { fill(255); ellipse(300, 300, x-200, y-200); } if(y>300) { fill(0); ellipse(300, 300, x-300, y-300); }}
void draw(){
x+=2; y+=2; draw_circles(x, y); if(y>1000) { x=0; y=0; }}

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Confirmed: Baby10

So I can confirm that this works.
-The pins that go to CV out control voltage.
-The pulse out pins are like gate trigger.
-To have X steps in a sequence, connect to the next pin in the order of outputs. so for an 8 step sequence, connect it to PIN NUMBER nine
linx and resources here:
Upd^te: it seems the all "teh" parts for this project are available here:
http://www.elby-designs.com/shopping/enter.html, courtesy of above Elby Designs.