Friday, September 25, 2009

shitty update

This update is pretty weak. I've been having problems with Dreamweaver and uploading for a while, but I've found an alternative! should let me host processing stuff because it's specifically designed to do that.
I WANTED to have an animation by the end of this week. Didn't happen. but I can show you a self Portrait. below is the code. I'll present the finished piece in class
No more BS after today
size (280, 350);
fill (254, 255, 67);
rect (100, 50, 80, 80); //hair
fill (255, 245, 219);
rect (115, 70, 50, 60); //head
rect (80, 130, 20, 20); //L arm
rect (60, 70, 20, 60); //L arm
rect (180, 150, 20, 60); //R arm
rect (150, 265, 20, 40); //R leg
rect (110, 265, 20, 40); //L leg
fill (0, 0, 0);
rect (125, 90, 10, 10); //L eye
rect (145, 90, 10, 10); //R eye
line (125, 80, 135, 80); //L brow
line (145, 80, 155, 80); //R brow
fill (2, 152, 3);
rect (80, 130, 20, 20); //L arm
rect (180, 130, 20, 20); //R arm
rect (100, 130, 80, 90); //body
fill (20, 23, 67);
rect (100, 210, 35, 55); //L pant
rect (145, 210, 35, 55); //R pant
rect (100, 210, 80, 25); //pants
fill (103, 44, 5);
rect (105, 305, 30, 10); //L shoe
rect (145, 305, 30, 10); //R shoe

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